
Hi! I'm a computer science student. I work mostly in C++ and Python, but I'm open to all nice technologies. Recently I got excited about DevOps and now I'm trying to implement its principles in my student projects.


OpenStack cloud monitoring app

Python Django OpenStack AngularJS HTML CSS

A web app for OpenStack cloud monitoring developed for Warsaw University of Technology. It presents the current cloud status and available resources. It also provides statistics of the resources usage by each user.

Tern to markdown

Python Docker Tern License Copyrights

A simple tool to convert Tern report to markdown files. It can generate a simple file with licenses used in the given Docker image or generate a report with information about the installed packages, their versions, licenses and copyright notices.


Cars Evolution

C++ Boost Qt QML CMake Evolutionary Algorithms

2D cars evolution. The cars initialy have random parametrs. The physical simulation is run to determine how far the car can drive. The parameters are adjusted using evolutionary algorithms. The best cars have higher probability of reproduction.


Cpp Utils

C++ CMake

A set of utility functions and classes. It consists of the Logger class to print log messages in a thread safe way. The Worker class allows running functions in a separate thread.


cpputils::log::info() << "File loaded in " << time << " ms";
// 2020-03-16 20:00:00: [    info] File loaded in 420 ms

cpputils::Worker worker;
cpputils::worker.start() // starts worker thread
cpputils::worker.async([]{ /* do some stuff */  }); // run lambda in worker's thread


Python Django JavaScript C++ Boost CMake HTML CSS

A simple web application built using multiple programming languages.


Logo Recognition

C++ Image Processing

A tool recognizing the given logo in the pictures.

source environment image

Original image (CC BY 2.0)

Control software for rover Sirius

C++ Qt Robotics

Main Console 2 is a desktop app to control a mobile robot. It was develop for rover Sirius in Students' Space Association. It was also the subject of my Bachelor Thesis and presentation during the 22nd International Mars Society Convention.

thesis abstract paper video

Gradient Boosting Wine Classification

Python Machine Learning

Custom gradient boosting algorithm predicting wine quality based on its chemical and physical properties.


import gboost
classifier = gboost.GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators, learning_rate,
                                               max_depth, verbosity)
classifier.fit(x_train, y_train)
y_test = classifier.predict(x_test)

Quantum Scattering

Python Scientific Computing

A set of functions analyzing the transmission of a waves' package through a potential barrier.



I had a great pleasure to present my work on a Design of a Graphical User Interface for rover control during the 22nd International Mars Society Convention in Los Angeles, CA.
The conference was organized by The Mars Society.
You can find the paper here.

Docker Images

Name Image Source Status Installed software
cpp-base image source Debian C++ Ninja CMake
cpp-gtest image source cpp-base Google Test
cpp-qt image source cpp-base Qt QML
cpp-opencv image source cpp-base OpenCV